Get The Best Hearing and Speech Solution

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Several children are born with some or the other deformities. Doctors may identify some disorders in newborns during the initial stages; however some of the problems such as delay in speech or language is known as Apraxia can pose a number of problems for your child if it is not treated at the right time. Normally the parents of such children should consult an Audiologist for any speech and hearing related problem.

Speech Therapy in Hyderabad

 You can even ask your Paediatrics to help you out in searching for a reliable and experienced speech pathology. You can get best Speech Therapy in Hyderabad for your child so that the treatment  can commence as soon as possible. It is usually these specialist  who would refer your child in the care of the professionals, However  as a parent of a child  you will be self satisfied that you are consulting the right person. Besides you also need to check out whether they are friendly with the kids and their experience which is also important factor, therapists need to be very polite during the therapy session and explain everything in a playful manner which makes it easy for the child to comprehend. First and foremost he has to work upon phonetics and vowels through the tongue exercises. He might tell your child to twist or turn the tongue so that he could utter the letters. Speech Therapy in Hyderabad is also very fruitful for people who stammer while speaking with other people or words come out from their mouth very late.

What is a cochlear implant?

Hearing aids

A cochlear implant is a small electronic device that performs the inner ear's function. It provides a sense of sound to the person who is profoundly deaf or who has a serious hearing problem. The implant classify in two parts which is external & internal, external part put behind the ear and the internal part that is completely surgically implanted under the skin. Hearing aids work by making the sounds louder, while the implants replace the function of the inner ear's damaged part to send sound signals to the brain. The implant device consists of different parts including, a microphone, speech processor, transmitter and an electrode array.

How does the it work?

Unlike the hearing aids that amplify sounds so the damaged ears can detect them, the cochlear implant works differently. It directly stimulate the auditory nerve and send the signals to the brain, which recognises the signals as sound. Basically, the implant will do the work of the damaged cochlea - sending signals to the brain. Hearing through the cochlear implant isn't the same with normal hearing. It usually requires time to learn its function, so patience is important to learn hearing using this device.

Who can get the implant?

Cochlear Implant in Hyderabad

 Cochlear Implant in Hyderabad, here you will get the best services which are ideal for both adults and children who are suffering from hearing loss or any of the following:

Some people have cochlear implants in both ears while others in just one ear. Obviously, listening with two ears can improve the ability to detect the direction of the sound and separate the sounds you want to hear from. Speech Therapy and Cochlear implants are suitable for both adults and children with Speech and hearing loss.


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